Nuclear Reactor Physics

Nuclear reactor physics is based on neutron transport theory and neutron diffusion theory. This study fields are neutron behavior which are collision with medium, scattering, absorption, nuclear fission, chain reaction, energy distribution prediction and control. It manages knowledge to need reactor core design, analysis and operation, which are criticality, reactivity control, neutron moderation, neutron transport theory, neutron diffusion theory, dynamics, and reactivity feedback.
Thermal Hydraulics & Reactor Safety

Nuclear thermal hydraulics supports to fill important needs for more thorough treatments of the processes of energy (heat) generation in nuclear processes, the transport of that energy by the reactor coolant to the power cycle, liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic, and the limitations imposed by the transport mechanism on the design of nuclear reactor in terms of economics and safety.
Nuclear Fuel

Nuclear fuel and the cladding tube are the place where the heat and the radiation are generated by fission and, at the same time, the first and the second barrier to keep the radioactive fission products from release to the environment. In this regard, the research on the fuel and cladding behavior in the reactor during normal operation and under accident condition is the most important part for the safety of the nuclear reactor, nuclear power plants.
Nuclear Materials

Nuclear materials engineering is focusing on research and development of fuel cladding and structural metals and alloys for operating and advanced nuclear energy system. Fundamental understanding of material behavior by nano-scale characterization using electron microscopy, SIMS and 3-D atom probe tomography as well as atomistic modeling using the first-principle calculation is a key R&D topic.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Radioactive waste management including spent nuclear fuel and decommissioning and decontamination is a long-standing challenge to the sustainability of nuclear power. Until now, no proven and market-ready solutions have been developed. Countries with nuclear power are demanding gamechanging innovations through advanced nuclear fuel cycle processes to break this deadlock.
Radiation Engineering

The goal of environmental radiation safety is determination of conduct analysis and characterization of radiation effect from various sources on human and environment so that ensure the safety from the radiation. For this purpose, the research covers radiation monitoring systems for the environmental and artificial radiation, shielding materials, radioactive radon and other various fields.