

Date Title Contact Attach
2024-04 09
Overview of Basic Concepts in Risk Assessment & Management
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Joon Eon Yang(KAERI)
2024-04 02
Integral Reactor
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Hyun Jong Baek(원자력안전및방제소 전 특별연구원)
2024-03 19
CFD Applications to Biomedical, Automotive and Naval Architecture Engineering
16:30 110-N101 Prof. Sang-Wook Lee(University of Ulsan)
2024-03 12
How to Use LLM(Large Language Model)
16:00 110-N101 CEO, Myoung Rock Kim(ChoRock Soft)
2024-03 05
New Safety Systems for the Korean Advanced Nuclear Reactors and Experimental Programs for their Developments
16:00 110-N101 Prof. Byoung Jo Yun(Pusan National University)
2023-11 28
11.28(화) 16:00, 한국수력원자력 이성진 부장님
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Sungjin Lee
2023-11 21
11.21(화) 16:00, 서울대학교 최경진 교수님
16:00 110-N101 Prof. Gyungjin Choi
2023-11 14
11.14(화) 16:00, 한국전력기술 오영진 박사님
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Young Jin Oh
2023-11 07
11.7(화) 16:00, 원자력연구원 여승환 박사님
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Sunghwan Yeo
2023-10 31
10.31(화) 16:00, 원자력연구원 손성준 박사님
16:00 110-N101 Dr. Sungjune Sohn