About Us
History & Status
09School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Eng. was seperated into Mechanical Eng. and Nuclear Eng.
09Professor Bang, In Cheol has appointed as NE School Head
03Professor Jihyun Kim has appointed as MANE School Head
02박영빈 교수 기계항공 및 원자력공학부장 취임
10Haeoreum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center opened (Ulsan City, Pohang City, Gyeongju City, 6 universities participated)
03Professor Dong-Seong Sohn retired and appointed as emeritus professor
03Professor Ji Hyeon Kim inaugurated as the head of the School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering
03School name was changed to Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering(MANE)
03Mechanical Engineering program selected as one of five BK 21 Plus national teams agian
Nuclear Engineering program selected as one of BK21 Plus national teams03Professor Heungjoo Shin appointed as MNE School Head
03Professor In Cheol Bang inaugurated as Director of Planning
12NPP D&D Technology Fusion Research Center launched
09Chair Professor Youngil Youm retired
03Professor Taesung Kim appointed as MNE School
03School name changed to Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE) by merging Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering programs
03About 60 undergraduate students chose nuclear energy major
0330명의 학부생 전공선택
12First nuclear power plant exported to UAE (2009.12.27)
03Admission of 3 graduate students (first-time students)
03Nuclear Energy Track opened (Professors Ji Hyun Kim, In Cheol Bang)
03School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering (MAME) established as one of six engineering schools of UNIST