2022. 03. 28 The 13th Croatia Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) and the European Atomic Energy Association jointly host the international academic conference The 13th Croatia Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) and the European Atomic Energy Association jointly host the international academic conference as follows. 1. Contents: 13th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society organized in cooperation with the IAEA and European Nuclear Society(ENS) * Nuclear Option for…
2022. 03. 23 [G] 2022-1 GRADUATION I’d like to notify you of graduation process in 2022-1st semester as below. 1.~ 05.20.(Fri) 18:00: Registration for Graduation & Nomination of thesis committee members – [Portal] – [Graduation] – [Request for Graduation] – [Portal] – [Graduation] – [Thesis/Dissertation info] – [Graduate Thesis] 2. ~05.25.(Wed)…
2022. 03. 21 (03.25.) NE international Meetup We’are planning to have NE international Meetup as below, and everyone is welcome! so we hope your kind attention and participation 😊 1. Time: 03.25.(Fri) 11:00 2. Place: Bldg.110, Rm. N105 (1F) 3. Subject: Every international student in the dept. of NE
2022. 03. 17 JaeSeong Kim Safety, Facilities, Other Administrative Affairs, Radiation safety management, Space, Homepage