2015. 04. 07 Theoretical and computational framework to investigate dynamic fracture, microbranching instability, and fragmentation
2015. 04. 06 From BioVenture to Nanotechnology: Single-cell microchamber arrays and graphene-templated directional growth of an inorganic nanowire
2015. 04. 02 2015-1 Application Period for Qualifying Exam (NUE) Students of Nuclear Engineering who need to take the Qualifying Exam in 2015-1 are required to submit relevant forms as below. Application Period 2015.04.06(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2014.04.30(Thu) 18:00 Required Documents 1. Application for Qualifying Exam (attached) 2. Q.E Subject Selection Form (attached) Reception Desk EB1…
2015. 04. 02 2015-1 Application Period for Qualifying Exam (MEN) Students of Mechanical Engineering who need to take the Qualifying Exam in 2015-1 are required to submit relevant forms as below. Application Period 2015.04.06(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2014.04.30(Thu) 18:00 Required Documents 1. Application for Qualifying Exam (attached) 2. Q.E Subject Selection Form (attached) Reception Desk EB1…
2015. 04. 01 R & D trend of Korean satellite industry: with emphasis on satellite structure development
2015. 03. 31 MNE Successful Candidates for the 2015-1 Research Internship The School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering announces the list of successful candidates for the 2015 -1 Research Internship as follows. / List of Successful Candidates / 전공 학번 이름 지도교수 상태 MAME(old) 20XXXX19 박정훈 정훈의 Accepted GEE(old) 20XXXX45 홍민호 방인철 Accepted MAME(old) 20XXXX16 김종욱…