2016. 04. 19 Junyoung Seo (Advisor : Heungjoo Shin) awarded the prize in the 18th Korean MEMS Conference. Junyoung Seo (Advisor : Heungjoo Shin) awarded the prize in the 18th Korean MEMS Conference. Congratualtion !!
2016. 04. 11 2016-1Application Period for Qualifying Exam (NUE) 2016-1 Application Period for Qualifying Exam (NUE) Students of Nuclear Engineering who need to take the Qualifying Exam in 2016-1 are required to apply and submit relevant forms as below. Application Period 2016.04.04(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2016.04.29(Fri) 18:00 How to Apply 1. Apply for Q.E in…
2016. 04. 11 2016-1 Application Period for Qualifying Exam (MEN) 2016-1 Application Period for Qualifying Exam (MEN) Students of Mechanical Engineering who need to take the Qualifying Exam in 2016-1 are required to apply and submit relevant forms as below. Application Period 2016.04.04(Mon) 09:00 ~ 2016.4.29(Fri) 18:00 How to Apply 1. Apply for Q.E in…
2016. 03. 09 [3/10]MEN Seminar : canceled Dear all graduate students of MEN MEN Seminar has been canceled on March 10th Next Seminar will be held on March 17th
2015. 11. 04 151105 NUE Seminar: Zirconium Alloy: The Delvelopment and the Industry NUE Seminar Poster: 151105 nue seminar