2017. 06. 12 Final Exams Schedule(1st semester 2017) Final Exams Schedule(2017 1st semester) Big Picture
2017. 05. 23 [NUE] Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment Methodology and Current Issues in Korean NPPs
2017. 05. 18 [Contest] Open Innovation Challenge(KSME-SEMES) We would like to announce the public contest information, KSME-SEMES Open Innovation Challenge. 원본: KSME-SEMES_poster2
2017. 05. 16 Q.E Time Table for the First Semester of 2017 Q.E Time Table for the First Semester of 2017 – Dept. of Mechanical Eng(Room 601 Bldg.112) Time 5.22(Mon) 5.23(The) 5.24(Wed) 5.25(Thur) 5.26(Fri) 09:30 ~ 11:30 DYN HT MM CTR 13:30 ~ 15:30 MFG 15:30 ~ 17:30 THD MTH FLM – Dept. of Nuclear Eng(Room 601…