2018. 03. 09 Suttle Bus Time Table for Industry-Academic Convergence Camp. I would attache the suttle bus time table for Industry-Academic Convergence Campus.
2018. 02. 23 [Recruit] RIST in Pohang(Master/Ph.D.) We would announce an recruit information of Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology(RIST) in Pohang for Ph.D. and Master graduates. (For more information: http://www.rist.re.kr/rist/class/intro/intro_04.jsp?floc=4)
2018. 02. 12 Bronze Prize in HumanTech Paper Award We are delighted to inform you that Jongmin Lee(Integrated M.S./Ph.D., Prof.Heungjoo Shin) got a bronze prize in the 24th the HumanTech Paper Award.
2018. 02. 12 Best Paper in the 13th KRoC Conference We are delighted to inform you that HOYEON YEOM(Integrated M.S./Ph.D., Prof. Joonbum Bae)’s paper was selected as one of the best papers in the 13th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference.