2018. 04. 23 Exhibition and Seminar from NI-Korea(4.27) Please refer to the below event and we encourage you to attend the seminar.
2018. 04. 23 [Outstanding Paper]YoungMo Lee(Prof. JaeHwa Lee) We are delighted to annouce YoungMo Lee(Prof. JaeHwa Lee) was awarded the 2018 outstanding paper of the Korea Society of Mechanical Engineers with the paper of “막대형 표면조도가 있는 평면 Couette 유동에 대한 직접수치모사” presented in 2017.
2018. 04. 16 [The Best Post] Jungyu Park(Prof. Taesung Kim) in 22th MEMS Conference We are delighted to annouce Jungyu Park(Prof. Taesung Kim) was awarded the Best Poster in 22th MEMS Conference.