2020. 06. 17 Contest for Future Nuclear Safety Human Resource Policy Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation opens a public contest for future Nuclear Safety HR Policy. Please click the image below if you have concern(Korean-version Only).
2020. 05. 28 2020 Smart Personal Mobility Entship from KAAE Please refer to the program post below and application document
2020. 05. 27 Summer Camp for Graduate/Undergraduate Students in Nuclear Dismantling Technology Please refer to the summer camp for graduate/undergraduate students in Nuclear Dismantling Technology. If you have concerns submit the applicant.
2020. 05. 26 [Prof. Gun-Ho Kim] RecensMedical Inc. was invested 10 billion KRW with Ophthalmological Anesthesia Technoloy 김건호 교수의 창업기업 리센스메디컬이 신용보증기금 혁신아이콘에 선정됐다. UNIST 안구마취기술, 100억 원 보증 ‧ 자금지원사업 선정! 김건호 교수 창업기업 ‘리센스메디컬’, 신보 혁신아이콘 ‧ 중기부 BIG3 선정 급속냉각마취 기술에 안과 의사들 기대 높아 … 미국 의료기기 시장에 도전장 UNIST 김건호 기계항공 및 원자력공학부 교수의 창업기업, 리센스메디컬이 여러…
2020. 05. 25 [Prof. Namhun Kim] Recognized with Ulsan Mayor’s Commendation! [Short News] Recent Awards and Honors at UNIST From Microsoft Academic’s Top Author to Ulsan Mayor’s Commendation … inspiring stories of UNIST gained media attention both at home and abroad. May 21, 2020JooHyeon Heo Public Relations Team 《Editor’s Note: UNIST faculty members are doing splendid…