2021. 09. 16 [G] 2021-2 Research proposal submission I’d like to notify you of Research Proposal submission in 2021-2nd semester as below. 1) Submission – Those who entered before 2019: : At lease 1 year before the graduation (2 semesters before the last semester) – Those who entered after 2019 (including 2019) :…
2021. 09. 16 [G] 2021-2 Graduation I’d like to notify you of graduation process in 2021-2nd semester as below. 1. ~ 11.19.(Fri) 18:00: Nomination of thesis committee members – [Portal] – [Graduation] – [Thesis/Dissertation info] – [Graduate Thesis] 2. ~11.12.(Tue) 18:00 : Submission of documents below to the staff 1) Nomination…
2021. 08. 30 2021-2 NE Seminar (Colloquium) schedule The whole schedule of ECHE Colloquium (Seminar) for 2021-2nd semester is attached as below 🙂 1. Venue: ZOOM – 링크: https://unist-kr.zoom.us/j/6080546009 – ID: 608 054 6009 2. Note 1) For students actually taking this class as research credits, it would be given “U(Unsatisfactory)” grade being…
2021. 08. 02 NE Department character NE department character has been created If you need it, please use it. 🙂 Thank you
2021. 07. 16 [UG] 2021-2 Internship Please check the notice for research internship by Nuclear Engineering from the attached below 🙂 * Inquiry: Kim, Minsun (052-217-1807 / minsun4567@unist.ac.kr / Bldg.108, Room.U203-2 (2F)) (2021-2) NE Internship