

[Prof. Sang Hoon Kang] Research Cooperation for Rehabilitation of People with Speical Needs

UNIST Promotes Research Cooperation for Rehabilitation of People with Speical Needs

The MoU signing ceremony took place at Ulsan Metropolitan City 2nd Special Needs Gymnasium on June 18, 2020.

UNIST Promotes Research Cooperation for Rehabilitation of People with Speical Needs

The MoU signing ceremony between UNIST and Ulsan Metropolitan City 2nd Special Needs Gymnasium took place on June 18, 2020.

UNIST embarks on research cooperation for the rehabilitation of people with special needs in Ulsan region.

The signing ceremony of the MoU among the System Design and Control Engineering (SDC, Director Namhum Kim) track of UNIST, the Robotics and Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory (Professor Sang Hoon Kang) at UNIST, and the Ulsan Metropolitan City 2nd Special Needs Gymnasium took place on June 18, 2020.

The main purpose of this agreement is to improve the health and community welfare systems for those with special needs in Ulsan region. Under this partnership, they have also agreed to strengthen cooperation in promoting and supporting research projects, involving △ Mutual cooperation projects to promote physical function recovery and improved health for the disabled △ Development of robot-assisted stroke rehabilitation programs.

The research, being conducted at the Robotics and Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory by Professor Sang Hoon Kang focuses on the robot design, robot motion/force control, and Biomechanics, system identification, signal processing and other relevant technologies for rehabilitation. Based on these studies, in 2017, he has made noteworthy innovations, such as developing a robotic device for assessments of muscle overactivity and movement dysfunction in stroke survivors.

“We hope the rehabilitation robots developed through this partnership will help improve the quality of life of people with disabilities,” says Professor Kang.