

Notice on Seminar Class Attendance Check(2015-2)


Please refer to the new regulations regarding the attendance check procedure of ‘MEN590 Seminars’ below.

Enrollees of MEN590 must follow the new regulations starting from the seminar class on November 4th, 2015.


1. Designated seats

Please check your designated seat below and attached file of classroom E207.

Enrollees must sit at their own seats in order to be checked as ‘present’.


20125138 SharmaAbhinav B1
20145046 김지훈 B2
20145056 김호건 B3
20145062 노형도 B4
20145172 임기훈 B5
20145190 전지윤 B6
20145199 정창윤 B7
20145203 조범곤 C1
20145223 최희영 C2
20145226 한창호 C3
20145237 DENGCHUN C4
20145253 김명건 C5
20145277 오세혁 C6
20155015 권오범 C7
20155024 김구현 C8
20155029 김동수 C9
20155035 김민지 C10
20155057 김정훈 D1
20155058 김종학 D2
20155074 김형원 D3
20155075 김혜규 D4
20155080 노경관 D5
20155096 박성만 D6
20155119 서재우 D7
20155123 성민호 D8
20155166 이성민 D9
20155195 이호민 D10
20155234 주동국 E1
20155257 홍지수 E2
20155281 성대한 E3
20155288 곽보건 E4
20155300 김영빈 E5
20155323 서준영 E6
20155327 신민호 E7
20155332 염호연 E8
20155352 이우진 E9
20155356 이주성 E10
20155395 황인솔 F1
20155423 JUNBIAOCHE F2


2. Report

Submit report about seminar within 1 paper amount on Blackboard. (Report form can be also found on blackboard)

Submission deadline is within 2 days after the seminar. (i.e. If the seminar was on the 20th, deadline will be 22nd 6PM)

If the report is not submitted, your attendance will not be confirmed as ‘present’.


3. Absence due to business trip

Please submit evidences of business trip to administration center.


4. Absence due to change of seminar date

Please inform to staff in administration center in advance if you are not able to attend the seminar when there was a change on the date.


If you have any questions, please contact 052-217-3507 or


Thank you.