2022.03.14Notice on the Qualifying Exam(Q.E) in 2022-1st semester
1. Date: 6.3.(Fri) 13:30-17:30
* It will be finished an hour per each subject / Taking 3 subjects within total 4 hours (You could control taking each subject within entire 4 hours)
2.Place: 110-N105 (1F)
3.Application : Portal + Link (Both) by 5.13.(Fri)
1) Through portal: [Portal] – [Academic Affairs] – [Graduation] – [Q.E] – [Q.E application] 2) Through link: Select 3 out of 9 subjects below from the link below.
– Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-D0O5E1i5qK029JsbbxDAIJefXlUJfCq1ZNMp74W82Q/edit#gid=0
* The application form used before will not be used anymore
4.PASS/FAIL standard
1) PASS: Each subject should be over 40 out of 100, the average of 3 subjects should be over 60
2) FAIL: Each subject is below 40, or the average of 3 subjects is below 60
* Failing, you must retake 3 subjects of Q.E next semester (You must retake the subject whose score is below 40)
* You must pass the Q.E within 6th semester
5.Result notice: 6.13.(Mon) 15:00, will be noticed through email individually
6.Raising an objection: 6.13.(Mon) 15:00 ~ 6.15.(Wed) 15:00
* Inquiry: Lim, Chaejeong (052-217-1804 / imchae@unist.ac.kr / Bldg.108, Room.U203-2)