Application for Multi-Disciplinary Majors and Field/School/Track Change(2014-2)
2015.03.26Application for Multi-Disciplinary Majors and Field/School/Track Change(2014-2nd semester)
1. Period : June 9 (Mon) 9 a.m. ~ June 13 (Fri) 6 p.m.
2. Subject(대상자)
– Freshmen who are in the 2nd semester (studying in the Division of General Studies, not freshmen who are in the 1st semester)
기초과정부 재학생 중 2학기차 학생, 14학번 아님
– Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors who want to change their school or tracks or field.
학부 및 트랙변경을 원하는 2,3,4학년 재학생
3. Application for Multi-Disciplinary Majors
– Freshmen who are in the 2nd semester should choose 1st track and 2nd track. We recommend you to choose tracks in 2014 new curriculum(48/18)
기초과정부 재학생 중 1학년 2학기 차 학생은 학부와 1트랙, 2트랙을 선택해야 함(2014 신 교육과정에서 학부, 트랙 선택을 권장)
– Students should select a school in their admitted field of program (Engineering / Business Administration), and at least one track should be chosen from the school they select (Track 1). Track 2 can be chosen in any other track regardless of the school or field of study.
학생들은 본인의 소속(이공/경영)계열 내에서 학부를 선택해야하며, 최소 1개 트랙이상을 선택 학부에서 정해야 한다(1트랙). 제2트랙은 학부/계열 관계없이 선택할 수 있다.
4. Other Things (Pay attention!)
– Students can select 2014 curriculum(48/18) tracks or 2013 Curriculum tracks(33/27) except freshmen and students already chose new curriculum.
2014 교육과정(48/18)의 트랙 또는 2013 교육과정(33/27) 트랙 선택 가능(1학년 2학기 차 학생 및, 이미 2014 교육과정을 선택한 학생 제외)
– Once students select 2014 curriculum tracks, you cannot change it to 2013 Curriculum tracks.
However, it is possible to change it to other tracks of 2014 curriculum
2014 교육과정의 트랙을 선택했다면 차후 2013 교육과정 트랙으로 변경 불가. 2014 교육 과정의 트랙으로 변경 가능
– Students should select both tracks in one Curriculum.
반드시 한 교육과정에서 두 개의 트랙을 이수해야 함(주의)
– Change of Field (계열변경)
■ 2009/2010 academic years
Engineering → Business : GPA over 3.3
Business → Engineering : GPA over 3.3 and GPA 3.3 in Math & Science
■ After 2011 academic years
Engineering → Business : GPA over 3.3
Business → Engineering : GPA over 3.3 and GPA 3.5 in Math & Science
After transferred, the students should take the new field’s basic courses.
계열 변경을 허가 받은 자는 변경된 계열에서 요구하는 계열기초과목 및 전공과목을 이수해야 함
– Students need to consider a plan overall(credits for graduation, etc)
전공변경신청은 졸업시까지 필요한 이수학점에 대한 각 학부 및 트랙의 필수/선택 과목에 대한 내용을 숙지하여 신중하게 선택요망
– There will be a screening process for applicants.
– Please, come to Educational Affairs Team in order to add 3rd Track.