

Q.E Time Table for the First Semester of 2017

Q.E Time Table for the First Semester of 2017

Dept. of Mechanical Eng(Room 601 Bldg.112)

Time 5.22(Mon) 5.23(The) 5.24(Wed) 5.25(Thur) 5.26(Fri)
09:30 ~ 11:30 DYN HT MM CTR
13:30 ~ 15:30 MFG
15:30 ~ 17:30 THD MTH FLM

Dept. of Nuclear Eng(Room 601 Bldg.112)

Date Time Name
2017.5.30(Tue) 13:30~14:30 Nuclear Fuel and Fuel Cycle Nuclear Safety
14:50 ~ 15:50 Radiation Science Nuclear Themal Hydraulics
16:10 ~ 17:10 Nuclear Reactor Theroy Nuclear Materials Engineering