

Nuclear Engineering Jiwon Choe and Jinsu Park (Advisor: Deokjung Lee) awarded Best Posters in PBNC2016

PBNC_최지원 PBNC_박진수

Graduate student Jiwon Choe, and undergraduate student Jinsu Park (Advisor: Deokjung Lee) awarded the best posters in The 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2016, April 5~9 2016, Beijing, China). Their papers have been accepted in the student session of PBNC2016, they got prized among 40 students.
In the PBNC2016, Jiwon presented the optimal control rod for boron-free small modular pressurized water reactor to strengthen the reactor safety. Also, Jinsu presented about the coolant void reactivity analysis of CANDU lattice and suggested the new CANDU bundle design through sensitivity test.
Besides, CORE (COmputational Reactor Physics and Experimental) laboratory provides the chance for participating to domestic and international conference.
(68 conference papers have been accepted since 2015)