16:00 on November 10 (Wednesday) “Engineering applications of computational fluid dynamics “
2012.03.13- Date
- 2012.03.13(Tue)
- Lecturer
- Venue
* Title : Engineering applications of computational fluid dynamics
* Speaker : professor Ho Sang Kwak
(School of Mechanical Engineering,Kumoh National Institute of Technology
* Time : 16:00 on November 10 (Wednesday)
* Location : Engineering Building 1, E104
* Contact : Prof. Taesung Kim tskim@unist.ac.kr (2313)
* Abstract
With the remarkable advance in computing resources, CFD(Comutational Fluid Dynamics) has been a viable means to tackle the fluid flow and associated transport phenomena encountered in nature and in industry. This presentation briefly scans the short history of CFD to show the evolution of computational environment. This talk also introduces a few examples of CFD applications that have been conducted for electronics industry in Gumi, which encompass various spectrum of thermo-fluid problems found in the manufacturing processes for semiconductor, LCD, and optical fiber. The discussion describes the state-of-the-art usage of CFD and its potential utility in the future. Particular concern is given to emphasizing the role of CFD as a creative design tool in exploring new idea and concept.