2021-2 NE Seminar (Colloquium) schedule
2021.08.30- Date
- Lecturer
- Venue
The whole schedule of ECHE Colloquium (Seminar) for 2021-2nd semester is attached as below 🙂
1. Venue: ZOOM
– 링크: https://unist-kr.zoom.us/j/6080546009
– ID: 608 054 6009
2. Note
1) For students actually taking this class as research credits, it would be given “U(Unsatisfactory)” grade being absent from 3 times out of 8 times.
2) In case of the first seminar held on 09.06.(Mon), it will be starting from 16:20, not 16:00
3. Inquiry: Kim, Minsun (052-217-1807 / minsun4567@unist.ac.kr / Bldg.108, Rm. U203-2 (2F))