

2015-2 Requested documents to Newly admitted Graduate students

Graduate students admitted in 2nd semester 2015 are requested to submit the attached document to the administration center within due date.

Due Date: 2015. 09. 11 18:00

Reception Desk: Administration Center-1

Documents to submit:

– Major and Advisor Selection(Submission required to all students admitted in 2nd semester 2015)

– Pledge of Observance of Research Ethics(Submission required to all students admitted in 2nd semester 2015)

– Application for UNIST Credit Carryover(Only for students graduated from UNIST undergraduate school)

– Credit Transfer Application(Only for student who have acquired credits from other graduate school)

<Major and Advisor Selection>

– Write department & major (refer to attached list of majors)

– Signature of Advisor and student oneself required

– Signature of School Head is not necessary(Approval procedure will be conducted at the administration center).

<Pledge of Observance of Research Ethics>

– Signature of Advisor and student oneself required

<Credit Carryover>

– Write the information of already acquired credit and courses and the credit and courses wished to be substituted.

– Receive signature of the professor in charge of the course wished to be substituted.

– Receive signature of advisor.

If you have any questions, please contact Jina Yoon ( / 052-217-3507).