2018. 10. 03 Opening of Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center The signboard-hanging ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center on October 2, 2018. Opening of Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center The signboard-hanging ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center on October 2, 2018….
2018. 10. 01 Global Scalaship Program in Nuclear Safe Area(Korean version) The due date is extneded to Oct 14. 2018 from Oct 7. [최종]2018년 한국원자력협력재단 원자력 안전연구분야 글로벌 스칼라십 참가자 모집 포스터 시안
2018. 09. 13 [MEN]“High-Volume Manufacturing” of Micro-encapsulated Phase Change Materials (MPCMs) for Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems
2018. 09. 10 [Best Paper] BEOMSANG KIM(Advisor: Heungjoo Shin) We would delightly announce that the paper by BEOMSANG KIM(Advisor: Heungjoo Shin) had been awarded an outstanding paper in the 20th MEMS Conference.