15:00-16:00 on Oct 18 (Monday), Transient stability of strongly nonlinear systems
2012.03.13- Date
- 2012.03.13(Tue)
- Lecturer
- Venue
* Title : Transient stability of strongly nonlinear systems
* Speaker : Ishan Sharma [Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India]
* Abstract
A first model for natural materials such as soils is as a rigid-plastic material. Such constitutive models are strongly nonlinear, composed as they are of, at the very least, two distinctive stress-strain responses.
This introduces interesting features into stability analyses of such systems, as the usual spectral stability methods may not always be applicable. In this talk, I will survey the energy method that is frequently employed to test stability in elasticity, and may be extended to provide a stability criterion for the present system. I will highlight
some interesting features of stability in rigid-plastic systems, as well as, indicate outstanding problems.
Time-permitting, I employ the developed stability criterion to investigate a problem in planetary science: the
structural stability of rubble-pile asteroids
* Time : Oct 18 (Monday), 2010 [15:00-16:00]
* Location : Engineering Building 1, E311
* Contact : Bongsoo Jang <2317, bsjang@unist.ac.kr>